
Results – Dampening

Peak vertical acceleration parameter is the measured vertical acceleration of the ‘hoof’ at impact.
Acceleration describes how fast the speed changes per time.
This measure describes the amount of dampening.
Reduced vertical acceleration at impact means better (increased) dampening.

The vertical acceleration is given in g [m/s²]. 1 g = 9.80665 m/s².
Peak values shown at zero time [ms] simulating first impact of the early landing/ touchdown phase.

From the graphs it is shown that the All Terrain Jogging Shoe (test object B) provides overall significant better dampening, and the Ultimate Joggging shoe (test object C) approx. in the middle.

The second graph on hard surface (road), is showing the same picture as the first graph, only over a longer period of time. This illustrates that both the All Terrain and Ultimate Jogging Shoe is dampening out the forces from the impact faster, meaning better dampening feature.

A = Steel shoe (as reference)

B = Equine Fusion All Terrain – size 16 slim

C = Equine Fusion Ultimate – size 16 slim

D = Plastic 1 (other vendor hoof boot) – size equivalent

E = Plastic 2 (other vendor hoof boot) – size equivalent

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