Testimonial from Urban Horse
Beverly Brownlie
Further to our telephone conversation, just to confirm these new fusion boots are the best ever, Mishka was galloping around the field the other night, first tine in ages, they stayed on and didn't budge, there really easy to put on, I love them and so does he, thank you
Emma and Anna Elfstrand – Swedish Horse Bloggers
From Metal Shoes To Bare Feet: How Our Horses Handled The Transition
In this transition stage, we settled on Equine Fusion Jogging Shoes – Ultra and All Terrain. At the start, we used them on a regular basis. Today, though, they’re only used as needed – when the horses are subjected to rocky terrain such as gravel roads. Our three half-blood horses compete in both dressage and jumping – two older horses and one younger one that had metal shoes on their feet most of their life. The transition was a bit difficult for the older horses, especially for one. For instance, he had to deal with bad hoof quality and was constantly sore. We were not sure if he’d be able to handle going barefoot. Thankfully, All Terrain provides a thicker sole, which means he’s not sore all the time. All Terrain is ideal for horses that experience soreness when they don’t have shoes. We know that the transition has gone well, and we couldn’t have seen these results without the jogging shoes. Our training and surfaces vary, and we feel All Terrain is one of the best things we could have found. We have seen tremendous improvement in hoof quality, but we know that the journey isn’t complete, and things can be improved. We know that without Equine Fusion Jogging shoes, our horses’ transition would not have gone as well – from metal shoes to barefoot. We provide content for one of Nordics’ biggest horse blogs, inspiring readers to adapt a more natural environment for their horse. We know that competition horses can go barefoot just as much as wearing shoes, which is something we’re trying to make our readers aware of. And, we’ve seen the interest grows, as more folks move away from their current mindset to a natural one.
How Equine Fusion Jogging Shoes Can Help Horse's Feet Heal
It was two years ago that my sister and I decided to move our horses to the farm. With the move, we were able to change our horses’ environment and the way we were able to take care of them. For instance, we were able to keep them out 24 hours a day, seven days a week. About six months ago, we chose to take the metal shoes off the three horses, allowing them to go barefoot. This was another part of the change in their environment, but it was done more for their poor feet quality. What we wanted was to provide their feet a chance to heal – to see if their feet would become healthier, stronger and grow.
Team Radar – Canada
Brenda Glowinski
I started looking for a performance boot for my hard working miniature horse about 2.5 years ago - that's how long it took me to find the Equine Fusion Ultimate Jogging Shoes. I spent MONTHS doing Google searches that showed me cutsie teddy bear boots and boots with enough cover to prevent miniature therapy horses from slipping on floors. I was frustrated. I came across the Equine Fusion Web Site and was BLOWN AWAY to find that here were the boots I was looking for! They were expensive to me in part because of shipping costs from Norway so I sat on that for a while and saved my money. In the meantime, my friend Bridget Simon had already gotten her Shetland Radar a complete set and was raving about them to me. I bit the bullet and went to order mine. Popped in the name on Google again and found a North American distributer in Canada! Made my order and haven't regretted it once! I love them so much I became a drop shipper for the Canadian distributer. These are literally the best hoof boots both in technology and design. They are super tough, give superb grip - with studs I can drive in any weather INCLUDING icy and muddy conditions - on any terrain. Cement Roads. Hot black top. Gravel. Sand. Water crossings. We have been out for hours on all of these terrains on the same day and NO lost boots, NO rubs, no problems whatsoever. The boots are also allowed in competitions and have made a huge difference in my CDE competitions. My horse is wee but we have finished on our dressage score in both shows we have done this year so far. Around home my choices for driving are black top and gravel for the most part and in our subdivision I must drive these surfaces to get anywhere. The boots allow me to work my conditioning program without my horse balking at footing changes and give him confidence no matter where we are. We have built our program slowly and are now able to work on long slow distances, collection, canter transitions and even flying lead changes. There aren't ANY other boots out there for Minis that are just as good as what is made for larger horses - and this brand is so much better than other hoof boots by leaps and bounds
Bridget Simon
My name is Bridget Simon, and we are Team Radar!!! I had been looking for boots for my Shetland for over 2 years, when I came across your product. We purchased the Equine Fusion All Terrain Boots, and put them to the test. We drive 20-25 miles a week, through mud, water, gravel, sand, marsh, ice and snow. Not once, have the boots ever come off nor twisted. I do have the Corks for the winter, and never has my pony slid or slipped in any form on PURE ice!! I am ever so grateful for your product. I know we would not be able to drive or compete the way we do without your boots.
Story of Jolene
I met the pretty 16 year old Arabian mare 2013 at a flea market. As a barefoot trimmer, I always look at the horses hooves. The white mare named Jolenehad horrible hooves with terrible iron horseshoes. So I spoke to the owner and asked, if I could help her horse to get better hooves. Three days later, the iron shoes were removed. Jolene had clearly pain while walking on her untrained hooves. This was the first time, I made experiences with Equine Fusion Jogging shoes. Jolene got the Ultra with Pads and wore them the next 2 month 24 ours. Gradually her hooves became better and she could move barefoot on the pasture. 9 month later, the nice mare walked on every ground with good and healthy hooves. Extreme Trail, Western riding, cross country, horsemanship – Jolene and her owner had common joy. Then one day Jolene had to be issued. When I heard that, I felt, that I had to give her a home. Now Jolene is a member of our family.
Victoria Mack – Primo Equus Racehorse Rest & Rehabilitation UK
I came across the equine fusion stand at a trade fair. At the time I had a racehorse at home that had recently been advised by the vet to have pads fitted by the farrier due to him getting bruised feet from doing road work. It was crucial to the horses pre-training that I was able to carry on doing road work so these boots were of interest to me. After talking to the representative I decided to give the boots a try before the pads as I had nothing to lose. My concerns were that they wouldn't fit properly and would rub, but it turned out they fitted perfectly and did everything I needed them too. I was able to keep the horse in training and was able to keep the traditional metal shoes off him which helped his feet to grow stronger. I would recommend these shoes to anybody I was really very impressed. Even after 8 weeks’ road work the bottom of the shoes hardly had any marks on them.
Leon Calligaris - Germany
Now I have the Equine Fusion All Terrain for 1 year and I could test them in every imaginable situation. And now is the time to write a little test report: The sole is very grippy and offers in nearly each situation a good performance. Although the sole is very thick it is possible for the horses to run naturally and it protects the hoof optimal even on though terrain. Moreover, the sole is really abrasion- resistant, after 1 year and a lot of kilometers it looks nearly like new. The breech mechanism is easy to handle and it keeps the shoe safety at the hoof. After 1 year I have never lost a shoe, even not when the horses run with max speed through a water ditch. The only point of criticism is that it sometimes can happen that the upper hook and loop fastener of one of the back shoes can get opened by the other hoof. But this means not that the shoe get lost. All in one I have to say that the Equine Fusion shoes are one of the best shoes which you can get on the marked. Many thanks to the Equine Fusion Team for the support and keep up the good work! And I also have good news: Now, after the one year I drove the shoes on competitions you can see more and more horses with Equine Fusion shoes.